Friday, March 5, 2010

The Worm Turns

Everything was going so well, at least as well as could be expected when it happened. The big SLAM, SUPER SPRAWL, SPLATTTTTTTT leading to the famous Tuck n' Roll. Unfortunately, no tuck and absolutely no roll at all only a quick loss of altitude leading to a one handed-slide then two smacks. The first to the right knee as it slamed into the gravel and a second shock as the right shoulder bit the dust. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, mommy was hurting, so much I had to lay there and hold my leg. Two faces peered down asking "what did you trip over"? And i could only say "my own two feet." Fox was calm and seemed to know these two were going to help me. Finally, with the help of a very nice man I rose to a standing position and swayed there for a while. That was then and this is now, I feel like I've been run over by a truck.

Well, my little fall cancelled my hiking trip to Rockhound St. Pk as I decided I had best rest the knee. So, my day was spent at Wally World and the hardware stor to pick up a washer for the awning. Back at the Casita I fixed the awning and put it up for 10 minutes before I was forced to take it down due to rising winds. Winds in the southwest are always on the rise. I finished my walk with a nice guy next door, Peter, during which he told me his life history. Nice enough fellow and he offered to walk Fox for me anytime I needed him to. Later in the day Warner from Colorado Springs dropped by and spent about and hour and a half getting to know one another. Very nice man and we plan to kayak together this summer.

Today I am planning to nurse my wounds, sleep and get ready for my dentist app't tomorrow. Tomorrow is the Big Raid in Columbus/Palomas commeurating Pancho Villa's raid of Columbus. Gen Purshing and the Army Air Corps retaliated but couldn't find Pancho so they went off to fight WWI. I hear that 150 horses will be running from Palomas to Columbus on Sat. morning. Should be fun to see. Sounds better than the Running of the Bulls in Spain.

I think I need a hot tub to sit in. Getting old is the pits.

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