Sunday, January 30, 2011

Destin Reunion

Well, here I am in Fort Myers with Mom. True, I haven't blogged since LA primarily due to the extraordinary, astonishing, unbelievable, marvelous, beautiful, wondrous, out of this world, frightening, earth shattering, death defying, uplifting, depressing, horrific, events I have experienced along the way. Wow, golly gee and holy doughnuts batman! Destin was so cold that the Fox and I nearly froze our Dove Dark Chocolate drops! You had better believe that traveling alone, by myself and solo brings with it so many challenges. I.E., the furnace wouldn't lite and it was 28 deg. No problemo, the ever ready Judy Colorado had an electric heater on board for just these occasions. Of course, it was a little harder to deal with the toilet that was leaking fresh water as soon as I turned on the pump. That problem caused a build up of water in the shower which necessitated the purchase of a small stool upon which to rest my feet when sitting on the throne in the middle of the night.

These small inconviences are to be expected when experiencing a life of adventure. Well, I was going to tell you about Destin. Such a lovely reunion with Ann, Bailey and Betty. Yes, indeed, as Betty noted, nothing had really changed in 40 years except out bodies. Despite the physical changes, we all recognized one another and proceeded to plan our first party. This one was a little different from the ones we used to have in Ethiopia, Snow Ball Parties. The SBP was just that, we started at one house, picked up those friends and moved on to another house, moving on for a day or two or three. Some of us would try and hide our cars behind the houses so no one thought we were home. Well, the Destin party was in a motel room, with wine and take out from the Fresh Market. Lots of fun reminiscing was had by all. Friends are the best part of life.

After our get together we went our separate ways, me on to St George Island. OH WOW!

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